Southwest Florida Community Foundation Grants Shell Point $18,000

Hope Hospice Program to Benefit

FORT MYERS, FL – Shell Point was recently the recipient of a benevolent gift from the Southwest Florida Community Foundation, with a grant of $18,000 for furnishings in the new hospice program located at The Pavilion. The hospice program at Shell Point was introduced to serve the residents of the community, as well as citizens from the public of Southwest Florida. The program is run under the auspices of Hope Hospice of Lee County to provide additional hospice beds in the area.

President Peter Dys accepted the gift from Mr. Paul Flynn, Executive Director of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation and retired Fort Myers Attorney, Mr. John Sheppard, a member of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation Board of Trustees. The grant was part of the 2002 Summer Grant Program, and was the largest grant awarded this cycle by the foundation.

“I looked at the proposal, then toured the hospice unit and was overwhelmed!” said Flynn at the ceremony. “We are all aware what hospice care can do for us. The Southwest Florida Community Foundation is a public foundation that takes funds that people create and follows their directions for eternity. The people who donated money to support health care in Southwest Florida will now return some of those dollars to the community with this gift to Shell Point.”

“I am pleased and grateful for this grant and look forward to further cooperative efforts that will result in the growth and development of the Community Foundation, as well as the critical services provided by Shell Point,” stated Dys, as he presented Flynn with a plaque in recognition of the gift.

Because of Shell Point’s size and scope, it’s easy to forget that Shell Point is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, operating under the same financial guidelines as charities like the United Way. As such, gifts to Shell Point from benefactors can play a big role in the financial health of the community. This particular grant was drafted and submitted by The Legacy Foundation, which operates hand-in-hand with Shell Point in assisting residents with wealth planning and charitable giving.

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