Shell Point Participates in C&MA Annual Worldwide Council

Village Church With Unique Opportunity

FORT MYERS, FL (June 1, 2000) – Since Shell Point was founded in 1968 by The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the C&MA and Shell Point have had a very special relationship. Because this year’s C&MA General Council (their worldwide conference held every year) convened just up the road in Tampa, Shell Point (and the Village Church in particular) had a unique opportunity to represent itself to an enormously diverse audience.

The Village Church’s choir sang at two sessions at Council; once by itself, and once with a combined Florida choir. Dr. David Nessleroade and his daughter, Leann, both had solos. During the service for retirees, Pastor Davey moderated the service, while Shell Point’s president Peter Dys was a speaker. And throughout the week, worship leader Russ McCorkle was involved with the worship committee, as well as playing the organ.

Some Council attendees travelled south and actually visited Shell Point. A group of about 25 Koreans, students and faculty from Sungkyul Christian University, received a tour of The Island, including lunch in the Crystal Room.

A big thank-you to everyone involved with this year’s Council for putting their best foot forward!

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Shell Point presents INSIGHTS speakers symposium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Shell Point presents INSIGHTS speakers symposium FORT MYERS, Fla. (Feb. 14, 2024) – Shell Point’s Academy of Lifelong Learning presents the INSIGHTS

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