Florida’s Elder Affairs Secretary Visits

Gema Hernandez Declares Shell Point an Ideal Example

FORT MYERS, FL (July 13, 2000) – Dr. Gema G. Hernandez, Secretary of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, recently visited Shell Point as part of the Elder-Ready Communities Awakening Tour 2000. Secretary Hernandez spoke in the Social Center to a large group of government and community leaders and representatives from a number of social service organizations that provide services to seniors in southwest Florida. The audience included representatives from the Shell Point Residents’ Council, residents of Shell Point, and other guests.

Dr. Hernandez is traveling the state of Florida as part of Florida’s Elder-Ready Communities Awakening Tour. Lt. Governor Frank Brogan and Secretary Hernandez launched this event last month in Tallahassee. The purpose of the tour is to encourage Florida’s counties and cities to take steps to make their communities elder-ready.

Shell Point was recognized at the event by Ginger Koch, president of the board of directors of Senior Solutions, who presented a certificate to Peter Dys for Shell Point’s support of efforts to educate the community, setting an example for the necessity and importance of becoming elder-ready. “An elder-ready community provides key ingredients for helping elders to maintain their independence,” said Secretary Hernandez.

As Secretary Hernandez travels to various cities throughout the state, she is working with local officials to encourage them to adopt elder-ready initiatives.

The Elder-Ready Communities Awakening Tour made its first stop in St. Augustine, the state’s oldest city, and then jumped to the modern city of Miami. The tour will end in the Florida Panhandle.

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Shell Point presents INSIGHTS speakers symposium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Shell Point presents INSIGHTS speakers symposium FORT MYERS, Fla. (Feb. 14, 2024) – Shell Point’s Academy of Lifelong Learning presents the INSIGHTS

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