Health Category: Health

Your Journey to Wellness

If you were to ask ten different people, “What does wellness mean to you?” you would probably get ten different answers. Just as no two

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Get Social, Stay Connected

For many seniors, the idea of living in a retirement community is ideal because it offers a social atmosphere and engaging programs. New support for

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Low Pressure, No Pressure

Recently, the American Heart Association lowered the bar for high blood pressure from 140/90 to 130/80. These guidelines are based on the detection, prevention, management,

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Mindful Approach to Eating

It’s no secret that the holidays can be an overwhelming time of year when it comes to food and overeating. Irresistible dishes, homemade desserts, and

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8 Ways to Deal with Insomnia

Insomnia is a commonly encountered clinical problem that relates to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. This sleeping disorder can lead to dissatisfaction, fatigue, low

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